Chuck McConkey
July 9, 2014
Responding to Your Prodigal
When we have a prodigal child we have to learn to separate the behavior from the child. Reject the behavior.
Reject -
- cast off, spew out
- to refuse to accept or consider
If we reject the prodigal, we are building walls. Do we reject the good things for the problem behavior. Many people see things as either/or. Rejection will not produce change in a prodigal. It will produce walls, and other problems.
So what do we do? We confront. This is not anger, it is sharing of facts and figures. Tell them that you are not in favor of their behavior. Bring out facts and feelings. Confrontation is actually correction. You may take actions to remove things, that is discipline. Do not let it get to the level of anger. Correction should be done in kindness. People are not entitled to anything. Use removal of things/privileges to help correct bad behavior.
Speak in Love
Eph 4:
15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:
Do not worry about speaking the truth being awkward.
Be Tender
Explain to them what is going on and how it can be fixed.
Do not be armed.
Do not go in loaded for bear hunt.
Be reasonable
This is not being so objective that you are not confronting. Go through what your emotions are. Work out how that person can start to earn your trust again.
LTDP - a method of ways to confront.
Listen - this is half of confronting, listen to what they have to say
Think - decision without thinking can lead to a bad situation Prov. 14:17,29; Prov 12:15
Discuss - discuss with that person, if your spouse is available talk over with them.
Pray - seek God's wisdom in what needs to be done.
Work on encouraging one another. Heb. 10:25
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